
Kundali matchmaking before marriage

Congratulations! if you’ve already found your beloved partner, but now comes the most
nerve-racking task: Kundali matching before marriage.

But wait, if you do not know, what exactly is Kundali matching? buckle up!

I’ll guide you step by step to unravel the mysteries of Kundali matchmaking or horoscope matching for marriage.

Before we know what is Janam Kundali matching? Let us have a rough idea of Why is Kundali
matchmaking important?
And what real benefits it has for the bride and groom?

● According to our ancient Vedic scriptures, Kundali matching is one of the most important
practices. In many a Hindu wedding, it is an integral part. Kundali matching can help
both the bride and groom lead a happy and successful life.

● It is said that a better Kundali match can help people avoid many disasters in married life
like major health issues, cheating, and other misfortunes. Also, If a Kundali is matched
perfectly that’s a great reassurance for both the bride and groom families.
In the first step of understanding the process of Kundali matching, we have to start with
Janam Kundali.

Janam Kundali

● According to our ancient Vedic scriptures at the time of our birth, a rough trajectory of
what our life might look like is already mapped out by viewing the constellations – the
position of the sun, moon, and planets. The astrologer needs to have an accurate date,
time, and place. To map out our Janam Kundali or Birth Chart.

● The Janam Kundali has 12 houses that govern and predict various aspects of our life,
for example, personality, health, lifespan, wealth, and also misfortunes; plus, even the
chances of visiting foreign countries, learning new languages, and of course, chances of
going to jail.

● There are many websites where one can find Janam Kundali online. And, horoscope
making for marriage online too

The Navamsa chart

● The Navamsa chart is another major part in Kundali matching because it predicts the
second half of the individuals’ life by analyzing the position of the moon in various
houses of our Janam kundali. The moon is representative of certain qualities such as
peace of mind, pure emotions and beauty. The placement of the moon on a certain
house helps astrologers predict the success of a marriage.

● It is recommended to get an experienced astrologer. However, the Navamsa chart, if
judged by itself, is incomplete to ascertain the success of any marriage.

Ashtakoot Guna Milan

● Ashtakoot Guna Milan is another part of the puzzle, to get a fuller understanding of
accurately matching Kundali of the groom and bride. It has 8 parameters from which a
score of 36 is calculated and for a marriage to have a good future the minimum score
at least needs to be 18 or above which is recommended. The higher the number the
better the guy and girl are compatible with each other.

● You can think of it as qualities of a person and combining these qualities to get the best
fit of the couple together.

Below are the parameters from which the score is derived. All the 8 points are given scores
according to their number.

Varna – Ego, approach to work & luck

Vashya – Power compatibility & dominance

Tara – The health of the couple

Yoni – Sexual compatibility

Graha – Maitri Friendship

Gana – Perception of life

Bhakoot – Prosperity, and Love

Nadi – Lifeforce & health of partner Compatibility

What if you get a score below 18?

● The score alone is not enough to predict a successful married life. An expert astrologer
can help you with remedies and judge the Janam kundali of both the groom and bride
because every case requires unique remedies.

● However, Nothing in life is set in stone. There are many cases where people married
despite not being the best match have successful marriages and people married
with all the best of scores and consulting the best astrologer still get divorced or graced
with unfortunate events in their marriages.

Finally, To conclude, I once heard a saying it roughly goes as “A good king listen to
everyone with open ears, but ultimately does what he judges to be the best.

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